All in News

So many important updates!

Between cancer (not mine!), COVID, and moving laterally into an entirely unfamiliar business and trade, I’ve been overwhelmed and generally down. But I’m on antidepressants and feeling like some of the mojo’s back, so… here. We. Goooooo!!

Porcine Paladins Volume 3 and Flash Fiction

Volume 3 ‘River Riot’ has just been released after a small delay. If you need more pigs in your life, look no further! Also, due to a combination of factors, flash fiction updates on the site will take a brief break and will return on the 6th of December.

Tricia’s got a publication and the latest issue of the ‘Porcine Paladins’ comic, ‘Easter Excitement’ is announced. You also find out about my (Tiny’s) favourite foods, which is what I’m certain you came for.

Hi there! My name’s Tiny, and I’m in charge of the news, because I am the best pig, ever. No doubt about it.

Come over here, and I’ll tell you all about us and this new site.