All tagged Blood

The missing

Making a painting that followed a viewer with its eyes was a simple task, if you had a modicum of skill and some paint. Or charcoal, chalk, anything that could colour a paper or a canvas. It was just pigment and the human brain confusing itself with a trick of perspective, lies the eyes told the mind and the gullible neurons believed.

Eyes in the dark

The putrid stench of corrupted blood hung thick in the air. Father Gascoyne knelt, his cloak pooling around him like the shadows that lurked in the hall, and touched the stain on the ground. As his fingers brushed against the paw print the world leaped into sharp clarity, colours and light swirling across his vision.


There is an egg. 

Molten metal surged, lit by the incandescence of its own heat. The heart of the planet pulsed and roiled, following strange fields and courses invisible to the naked eye.